Original: Friends
Warner Bros. Television
USA 1994 - 2004
Staffeln 10
Folgen 236
Starring: |
Jennifer Aniston | - Rachel |
Courteney Cox | - Monica |
Lisa Kudrow | - Phoebe |
Matt Le Blanc | - Joey |
Matthew Perry | - Chandler |
David Schwimmer | - Ross |
1 | (1) | Liebe? Nein, doch nicht! | - The One Where Monica Gets A Roomate |
2 | (2) | Familienfreuden | - The One With The Sonogram At The End |
3 | (3) | Getrennt von Bett und Daumen | - The One With The Thumb |
4 | (4) | Pizza und Erotik | - The One With George Stephanopoulos |
5 | (5) | Im Schonwaschgang | - The One With The East German Laundry Detergent |
6 | (6) | Dusch Dich! | - The One With The Butt |
7 | (7) | Dunkle Leidenschaft | - The One With The Blackout |
8 | (8) | Wenn die Oma zweimal stirbt | - The One Where Nana Dies Twice |
9 | (9) | Aufgeblasen! | - The One Where Underdog Gets Away |
10 | (10) | Affen unter sich | - The One With The Monkey |
11 | (11) | Der Mutterküsser | - The One With Mrs. Bing |
12 | (12) | Italienische Massage | - The One With The Dozen Lasagnas |
13 | (13) | Der Superbusen-Express | - The One With The Boobies |
14 | (14) | Feuer und Flamme | - The One With The Candy Hearts |
15 | (15) | Aus der Traum... | - The One With The Stoned Guy |
16 | (16) | Der Zweiteiler (1) | - The One With Two Parts (1) |
17 | (17) | Der Zweiteiler (2) | - The One With Two Parts (2) |
18 | (18) | Die Pokerbräute | - The One With All The Poker |
19 | (19) | Affe auf der Flucht | - The One Where The Monkey Gets Away |
20 | (20) | Wüstling in Weiß | - The One With The Evil Orthodontist |
21 | (21) | Die zweite Monica | - The One With Fake Monica |
22 | (22) | Junge Triebe | - The One With The Ick Factor |
23 | (23) | Wehe, wenn die Wehe kommt! | - The One With The Birth |
24 | (24) | Die Liebesspender | - The One Where Rachel Finds Out |
1 | (25) | Das Mitbringsel | - The One With Ross's New Girlfriend |
2 | (26) | Harte Drinks und coole Cowboys | - The One With The Breast Milk |
3 | (27) | Torschlußpanik | - The One Where Heckles Dies |
4 | (28) | Enthüllungen | - The One With Phoebe's Husband |
5 | (29) | Falsch verbunden | - The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant |
6 | (30) | Baby - Allein in New York | - The One With The Baby On The Bus |
7 | (31) | Geständnis einer Liebenden | - The One Where Ross Finds Out |
8 | (32) | Die Liste des Grauens | - The One With The List |
9 | (33) | Heiße Weihnacht | - The One With Phoebe's Dad |
10 | (34) | Vorsicht, Sucht! | - The One With Russ |
11 | (35) | Die lesbische Hochzeit | - The One With The Lesbian Wedding |
12 | (36) | Affengeil (1) | - The One After The Super Bowl (1) |
13 | (37) | Affengeil (2) | - The One After The Super Bowl (2) |
14 | (38) | Ein Hummer für Ross | - The One With The Prom Video |
15 | (39) | Ross und Rachel - Na endlich! | - The One Where Ross And Rachel... You Know |
16 | (40) | Ein idealer Schwiegersohn | - The One Where Joey Moves Out |
17 | (41) | Chandlers Neuer | - The One Where Eddie Moves In |
18 | (42) | Fahrstuhl in den Tod | - The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies |
19 | (43) | Durch den Wind | - The One Where Eddie Won't Go |
20 | (44) | Ist das Leben nicht schlecht? | - The One Where Old Yeller Dies |
21 | (45) | Im Namen der Männlichkeit | - The One With The Bullies |
22 | (46) | Zwei Parties für Rachel | - The One With The Two Parties |
23 | (47) | Pocken statt Liebe | - The One With The Chicken Pox |
24 | (48) | Rosarote Träume | - The One With Barry And Mindy's Wedding |
1 | (49) | Phantasien | - The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy |
2 | (50) | Eile mit Weile! | - The One Where No One's Ready |
3 | (51) | Süße Gelüste | - The One With The Jam |
4 | (52) | Die andere Seite des Tunnels | - The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel |
5 | (53) | Erotische Pläne | - The One With Frank, Jr. |
6 | (54) | Zurück in die Vergangenheit | - The One With The Flashback |
7 | (55) | Rasende Träume | - The One With The Race Car Bed |
8 | (56) | Hurra, sie leben noch! | - The One With The Giant Poking Device |
9 | (57) | Die mit dem Ball spielen | - The One With The Football |
10 | (58) | Knabbereien | - The One Where Rachel Quits |
11 | (59) | Welche Schwester war's doch gleich? | - The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister |
12 | (60) | Lästige Eifersucht | - The One With All The Jealousy |
13 | (61) | Nichts als Freunde | - The One Where Monica And Richard Are Just Friends |
14 | (62) | Geld oder Freundschaft | - The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner |
15 | (63) | Kurzschluss | - The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break |
16 | (64) | Der Seitenspringer | - The One The Morning After |
17 | (65) | Einsam und verlassen | - The One Without The Ski Trip |
18 | (66) | Wie angle ich mir keinen Millionär? | - The One With The Hypnosis Tape |
19 | (67) | Männer ohne Chance | - The One With The Tiny T-Shirt |
20 | (68) | Feuer gefangen | - The One With The Dollhouse |
21 | (69) | Ein Huhn und eine Ente | - The One With A Chick And A Duck |
22 | (70) | Der Choleriker | - The One With the Screamer |
23 | (71) | Zuviel des Guten | - The One With Ross's Thing |
24 | (72) | Kampfspiele | - The One With the Ultimate Fighting Champion |
25 | (73) | Entscheidung am Strand | - The One at the Beach |
1 |
(74) |
Quallen-Qual | - The One With the Jellyfish |
2 |
(75) |
Die reinkarnierte Katze | - The One With the Cat |
3 |
(76) |
Fesselspiele | - The One With the 'Cuffs |
4 |
(77) |
Männertanz | - The One With the Ballroom Dancing |
5 |
(78) |
Drei sind einer zuviel | - The One With Joey's New Girlfriend |
6 |
(79) |
Das Veloursamt-Kaninchen | - The One With the Dirty Girl |
7 |
(80) |
Verrat unter Freunden | - The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line |
8 |
(81) |
Chandler in der Kiste | - The One With Chandler in a Box |
9 |
(82) |
Lasst die Bären tanzen | - The One Where They're Going To Party! |
10 |
(83) |
Nur ein kleines Abenteuer | - The One With the Girl from Poughkeepsie |
11 |
(84) |
Die sieben Zonen einer Frau | - The One With Phoebe's Uterus |
12 |
(85) |
Alles ist relativ | - The One With the Embryos |
13 |
(86) |
Graue Theorie | - The One With Rachel's Crush |
14 |
(87) |
Toter Fisch stinkt! | - The One With Joey's Dirty Day |
15 |
(88) |
Hilfe, sie ist wieder da! | - The One With All the Rugby |
16 |
(89) |
Der Club der Nieten | - The One With the Fake Party |
17 |
(90) |
Der Gratis-Porno | - The One With the Free Porno |
18 |
(91) |
Gib dem Kind einen Namen | - The One With Rachel's New Dress |
19 |
(92) |
Tausche Kuß gegen Wohnung | - The One With All the Haste |
20 |
(93) |
Wild entschlossen | - The One With the Wedding Dresses |
21 |
(94) |
Sie küßten und sie schlugen sich | - The One With the Invitations |
22 |
(95) |
Der beste Trauzeuge aller Zeiten | - The One With the Worst Best Man Ever |
23 |
(96) |
Endlich Hochzeit (1) | - The One With Ross's Wedding (1) |
24 |
(97) |
Endlich Hochzeit (2) | - The One With Ross's Wedding (2) |
1 |
(98) |
Flitterwochen mit der anderen | - The One After Ross Says Rachel |
2 | (99) | Hilfe, die Babys kommen | - The One With All the Kissing |
3 | (100) | Hurra, die Drillinge sind da | - The One Hundredth |
4 | (101) | Harte Bedingung | - The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS |
5 | (102) | Endlich allein! | - The One With the Kips |
6 | (103) | Ein Yeti im Keller | - The One With the Yeti |
7 | (104) | Keine Party ohne Rachel |
- The One Where Ross Moves In |
8 | (105) | Fatales Geständnis | - The One With the Thanksgiving Flashbacks |
9 | (106) | Wer mit wem? | - The One With Ross's Sandwich |
10 | (107) | Feuerball | - The One With the Inappropriate Sister |
11 | (108) | Die guten Vorsätze | - The One With All the Resolutions |
12 | (109) | Das Arbeitslachen | - The One With Chandler's Work Laugh |
13 | (110) | Die beste Massage der Welt | - The One With Joey's Bag |
14 | (111) | Das kollektive Geheimnis | - The One Where Everybody Finds Out |
15 | (112) | Mädchenprügel | - The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey |
16 | (113) | Verdeckte Ermittlung | - The One With the Cop |
17 | (114) | Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz | - The One With Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss |
18 | (115) | Rauchende Köpfe | - The One Where Rachel Smokes |
19 | (116) | Der Flirtweltmeister | - The One Where Ross Can't Flirt |
20 | (117) | Die Hilfspolizisten | - The One With the Ride Along |
21 | (118) | Immer am Ball | - The One With the Ball |
22 | (119) | Die Hauptrolle | - The One With Joey's Big Break |
23 | (120) | Glück in Las Vegas (1) | - The One in Vegas (1) |
24 | (121) | Glück in Las Vegas (2) | - The One in Vegas (2) |
1 |
(122) |
- The One After Vegas |
2 |
(123) |
- The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel |
3 |
(124) |
- The One With Ross's Denial |
4 |
(125) |
- The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance |
5 |
(126) |
- The One With Joey's Porsche |
6 |
(127) |
- The One on the Last Night |
7 |
(128) |
- The One Where Phoebe Runs |
8 |
(129) |
- The One With Ross's Teeth |
9 |
(130) |
- The One Where Ross Got High |
10 | (131) | Die alte Nummer | - The One With the Routine |
11 | (132) | Lautes Blabla | - The One With the Apothecary Table |
12 | (133) | Der Playboy-Witz | - The One With the Joke |
13 | (134) | Schwestern | - The One With Rachel's Sister (1) |
14 | (135) | Echte Männer weinen nicht | - The One Where Chandler Can't Cry (2) |
15 | (136) | Was wäre wenn (1) | - The One That Could Have Been (1) |
16 | (137) | Was wäre wenn (2) | - The One That Could Have Been (2) |
17 | (138) | Verteidigung im Kopf | - The One With Unagi |
18 | (139) | Professor trifft Studentin | - The One Where Ross Dates a Student |
19 | (140) | Semesterferien | - The One With Joey's Fridge |
20 | (141) | Mac und Cheese | - The One With Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. |
21 | (142) | Mr. Steven | - The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad |
22 | (143) | Ein toller Typ | - The One Where Paul's the Man |
23 | (144) | Ein besonderer Ring | - The One With the Ring |
24 | (145) | Der Antrag (1) | - The One With the Proposal (1) |
25 | (146) | Der Antrag (2) | - The One With the Proposal (2) |
1 |
(147) |
- The One With Monica's Thunder |
2 |
(148) |
- The One With Rachel's Book |
3 |
(149) |
- The One With Phoebe's Cookies |
4 |
(150) |
- The One With Rachel's Assistant |
5 |
(151) |
- The One With The Engagement Picture |
6 |
(152) |
- The One With The Nap Partners |
7 |
(153) |
- The One With Ross's Library Book |
8 |
(154) |
- The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs |
9 |
(155) |
- The One With All The Candy |
10 |
(156) |
- The One With The Holiday Armadillo |
11 |
(157) |
- The One With All The Cheesecakes |
12 |
(158) |
- The One Where They're Up All Night |
13 |
(159) |
- The One Where Rosita Dies |
14 |
(160) |
- The One Where They All Turn Thirty |
15 |
(161) |
- The One With Joey's New Brain |
16 |
(162) |
- The One With The Truth About London |
17 |
(163) |
- The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress |
18 |
(164) |
- The One With Joey's Award |
19 |
(165) |
- The One With Ross And Monica's Cousin |
20 |
(166) |
- The One With Rachel's Big Kiss |
21 |
(167) |
- The One With The Vows |
22 |
(168) |
- The One With Chandler's Dad |
23 |
(169) |
- The One With Chandler And Monica's Wedding (1) |
24 |
(170) |
- The One With Chandler And Monica's Wedding (2) |
1 | (171) | Das Gerücht | - The One After "I Do" |
2 | (172) | Der ominöse rote Pulli | - The One With The Red Sweater |
3 | (173) | Wo ist das Kind | - The One Where Rachel Tells... |
4 | (174) | Ein unmoralisches Video | - The One With The Videotape |
5 | (175) | Gefeuert und verlassen | - The One With Rachel's Date |
6 | (176) | Häschen gegen Space-Trottel | - The One With The Halloween Party |
7 | (177) | Ein Fleck mit Folgen | - The One With The Stain |
8 | (178) | Zieh dich aus, Baby! | - The One With The Stripper |
9 | (179) | Der Hass-Club | - The One With The Rumor |
10 | (180) | Schmerz lass nach! | - The One With Monica's Boots |
11 | (181) | Ein Mann für eine Nacht | - The One With The Creepy Holiday Card |
12 | (182) | Tausendmal berührt ... | - The One Where Joey Dates Rachel |
13 | (183) | Der Kapitän der Badewanne | - The One Where Chandler Takes A Bath |
14 | (184) | Die Geheimkammer | - The One With The Secret Closet |
15 | (185) | Ein Porno zum Valentinstag | - The One With The Birthing Video |
16 | (186) | Nur ein kleiner Gag | - The One Where Joey Tells Rachel |
17 | (187) | Die Prophezeiung der Teeblätter | - The One With The Tea Leaves |
18 | (188) | Zu Tränen gerührt | - The One In Massapequa |
19 | (189) | Joeys Interview | - The One With Joey's Interview |
20 | (190) | Die Babyparty | - The One With The Baby Shower |
21 | (191) | Der Kochkurs | - The One With The Cooking Class |
22 | (192) | Warten aufs Baby | - The One Where Rachel Is Late |
23 | (193) | Das Baby kommt! (1) | - The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (1) |
24 | (194) | Das Baby kommt! (2) | - The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (2) |
1 | (195) | Willst Du ...? | - The One Where No One Proposes |
2 | (196) | Don't Cry For Me, Emma | - The One Where Emma Cries |
3 | (197) | Der Doktor lebt | - The One With The Pediatrician |
4 | (198) | Welcher Mann für welches Leben? | - The One With The Sharks |
5 | (199) | Dinner for six | - The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner |
6 | (200) | Der Kindermann | - The One With The Male Nanny |
7 | (201) | Kein Lied von guten Eltern | - The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song |
8 | (202) | Die schreckliche Schwester | - The One With Rachel's Other Sister |
9 | (203) | Rachels Nummer | - The One With Rachel's Phone Number |
10 | (204) | Chandlers Fest | - The One With Christmas In Tulsa |
11 | (205) | Phoebe - Superstar | - The One Where Rachel Goes Back To Work |
12 | (206) | Die Rattenbabys | - The One With Phoebe's Rats |
13 | (207) | Kuss mit Folgen | - The One Where Monica Sings |
14 | (208) | Blind Dates | - The One With The Blind Dates |
15 | (209) | Hände hoch | - The One With The Mugging |
16 | (210) | Toll bestückt! | - The One With The Boob Job |
17 | (211) | Verknallt in einen Toten | - The One With The Memorial Service |
18 | (212) | Die Taube war's! | - The One With The Lottery |
19 | (213) | Jungs im Hotel | - The One With Rachel's Dream |
20 | (214) | Party auf dem Dach | - The One With The Soap Opera Party |
21 | (215) | Bitte eine kleine Spende | - The One With The Fertility Test |
22 | (216) | Der Sperminator | - The One With The Donor |
23 | (217) | Regen im Paradies (1) | - The One In Barbados (1) |
24 | (218) | Regen im Paradies (2) | - The One In Barbados (2) |
1 | (219) | - The One After Joey And Rachel Kiss | |
2 | (220) | - The One Where Ross Is Fine | |
3 | (221) | - The One With Ross's Tan | |
4 | (222) | - The One With The Cake | |
5 | (223) | - The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits | |
6 | (224) | - The One With Ross's Grant | |
7 | (225) | - The One With The Home Study | |
8 | (226) | - The One With The Late Thanksgiving | |
9 | (227) | - The One With The Birth Mother | |
10 | (228) | - The One Where Chandler Gets Caught | |
11 | (229) | - The One Where The Stripper Cries | |
12 | (230) | - The One With Phoebe's Wedding | |
13 | (231) | - The One Where Joey Speaks French | |
14 | (232) | - The One With Princess Consuela | |
15 | (233) | - The One Where Estelle Dies | |
16 | (234) | - The One With Rachel's Going Away Party | |
17 | (235) | - The Last One (1) | |
18 | (236) | - The Last One (2) |
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